About & Contact Me

Hello there!

My name’s Sophie (Bastow-Dormon),  I’m a digital writer, social media strategist, community manager and self-confessed social tech nerd – and this is where I write about it all.

I have a huge passion for nerdy social tech as well as writing, music and the arts. I’m naturally enthusiastic about communication – both digitally and traditionally. This is where I’ll write thoughts and opinions, and every now and again write up a few lifestyle posts too.

I’m a lifelong vegetarian and optimistic cook – sometimes I combine the two things and write up simple recipes over on Tumblr: sophiecooksveggie.tumblr.com

I’m an ex-ABM student at Staffs, so if you’re on the course or have recently graduated feel free to drop me an email for a chat!

Drop me a line at sophiebastowdormon@gmail.com



I’m on Twitter as @sophielovestea. I quite like talking in limited characters so do ping me a tweet if you fancy it.

I write my own vegetarian recipes over on Tumblr as sophiecooksveggie!

I’m also on LinkedIn if you’re fancy and would rather connect on a professional, tie-wearing level.

Lastly, I love photos and looking at pretty things – if you do too, then I’m on Instagram and Pinterest.

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